Jon Voight -

twarze, Gerard Butler, klisza skóra, Gary Oldman, tekst Hilary Swank, krowa, Reaping, Idris Elba Morze, Surfing, Mê¿czyzna, Fala Jude Law, b³êkitne oczy bródka, Dominic Monaghan, kapelusz walka, Hayden Christensen, krêcone w³osy Bill Compton - Stephen Moyer, Czysta krew, True Blood Hugh Laurie, Jab³ko

Jon Voight

Jon Voight, Liev Schreiber, Ray Donovan, Serial, AktorAktor, Pooch Hall, Liev Schreiber, Jon Voight, Serial, Ray Donovan, Eddie Marsan, Paula Malcomson, Aktorka, Dash Mihokbudynek, National Treasure 2 - The Book Of Secrets, Jon Voight
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